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    "Independents, Liberals and Progressives are the clear majority
    in America... It's about time we started acting like it."
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America’s #1 Progressive Talk News Radio source… Our primary purpose is to act as an online hub for content, news, and information on the center and left of the political spectrum. We’re providing a robust counterweight to the right wing propaganda machine.

We believe in the power of progressive ideas to shape a better future for all of us.

Blue State Talk Radio champions real world conversations that address the issues Americans really care about – issues such as Gun Violence, Voting Rights, Health Care, Social Justice, Abortion Rights, Crime, Education, Student Loans, Climate Change, Immigration, and Economic Inequality. Connect with your favorites while discovering powerful new voices.

We believe in sparking thought-provoking conversations that challenge the status quo.

We are your nationwide online hub, where live viewpoints on the center and left of the political spectrum can be easily found. This section will give you access to information and realities that will stimulate your curiosity, redefine some old memories, expand your thinking, and let you know you’re not alone.

We believe in fostering a community of engaged and passionate listeners.

Speak your truth out loud! In these times of daily political turmoil, when our democracy is under threat like never before, it is vital that the voice of the people be heard. The hostile agenda of the Conservative minority must not be allowed to continue its current domination of the national airwaves.

We believe in amplifying the voices of activists and advocates for social change.

Trying to focus? Ready for a break? Progressive minds want positive, empowering messages and experiences to go along with their intellectual nourishment. Use these background music channels to instantly bring peace to your world.

We believe in the power of music to transcend our differences and enrich our lives.

Time for a little comic relief… a lot of unpleasant realities are easier to deal with when presented with a little humor. This section includes memes, cartoons and even a few video clips to brighten your day. Laughter really is the best medicine. 

We believe in the power of humor to heal our souls and encourage our imaginations.

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